• GUIDELINES FROM THE ANGEL OF FATIMA. The angel gives us a hint of what to do. In order for the world, Poland, to properly interpret the guidelines concerning the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we need to make daily sacrifices, fast, do mortification, practice penance out of everything that is possible We need to open hearts, undertake acts with love, with the awareness of the very specific intention
  • We are driven by the desire to fulfill the call of Our Lady of Fatima, who calls for the daily prayer of the Rosary and for the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart, that is, sacrifice and reparation on the First Saturdays of the month. If people fulfill these wishes of Mary, then there will be peace in the world, Russia will convert and there will be the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. How great and wonderful these promises are. However, let us note that before the Fatima Shepherds - Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco - received and undertook with great zeal the way of saving sinners, indicated by the Beautiful Lady from Heaven, they went through the formation under the guidance of the Guardian Angel of Portugal. This path is an indication for us that we can not omit it if we want to participate in the plan which Our Lady outlines.

„Suddenly, we saw the same Angel right beside us:

-What are you doing? he asked. “Pray! Pray very much! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High.”

-How are we to make sacrifices? - I asked.

-Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and in supplication for the conversion of sinners . You will thus draw down peace upon your country. I am its Guardian Angel, the angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission, the sufferings which the Lord will send you.” - Memories of s. Lucy from Fatima.

  • We can not ignore or misuse this fundamental guideline given by the Angel to the Shepherds, preparing them for a meeting with the Mother of God. If the Angel mission is to educate, then it is necessary to properly read the content of the call of Our Lady of Fatima. For such reason, so that the world, Poland, would correctly read the indications concerning the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Moreover, we also need to daily sacrifice, fast, mortificate, practice penance from everything that is possible. The angel does not indicate to the Little Shepherds how many times a day or for what period of time, what exactly should they do on a given day. He describes the attitude, not letters of the law, of an open heart with acts undertaken with love and the consciousness of a very precise intention.
  • We set ourselves the requirements outlined not only by law and rule, but by heart. We are driven by the desire to do what is possible and not to waste even the smallest crumb of goodness. How often lonely, disabled, sick and the elderly people are confused about not being able to do nothing more for others. On the contrary, blessed with adherance to a conscious intention their hardship, suffering, loneliness, and pain can become a precious sacrifice, like the sacrifice and suffering of little Jacinta for which John Pail II thanked during her beatification in 2000. He thanked for her prayer which took place at a time when Karol Wojtyła was not born yet. One can only imagine how many of these undiscovered „treasures” are in our families, homes, hospitals and nursing homes.
  • Sometimes one would like more, but let's think about whether quantity has more value. An Intention of love can give great value to small things. This is what Jesus Himself says to Sister Lucia:

„It is true, my daughter, that many souls begin the First Saturdays, but few finish them, and those who do complete them do so in order to receive the graces that are promised thereby. It would please me more if they did Five with fervor and with the intention of making reparation to the Heart of your heavenly Mother, than if they did Fifteen, in a tepid and indifferent manner”. - Memories of S. Lucy from Fatima.